Balance Bike and Helmet Deal
Our Kiddimoto Balance Bikes come with fabulous coordinating helmets for a really safe a cool look. We are pleased to offer you a saving when buying both at the same time by purchasing here. Please let us know which coordinating bike and helmet set you wish to purchase. Choose from from Fleur (Balance Bike and small Cycle Helmet), Star (Balance Bike and small Cycle Helmet) or Fossil (Balance Bike and small Cycle Helmet). The 3 designs can be seen individually on our site in the Push and Ride on section. Please always ensure your child wears an appropriately sized and up to date helmet when on a bike! Our helmets have a rear adjuster and size alterable straps to fit and their appealing designs should encourage young children to be proud to wear them when riding! Suitable for age 3+
Price: £89.99
Shipping: We charge £4.95 per consignment